
To US President Trump:《给川普及美国政府的信》











如今中华民国台湾已经是亚裔族群中突出的民主自由普世价值的实践者和捍卫者。中华民国总统蔡英文:“在国际上,台湾远比大家所想像的还要重要。全世界都在关注,台湾能不能在中共巨大压力之下,守住主权,守住民主自由的价值?美中(共)贸易战,台湾(中华民国)不当棋子,要当守护民主自由普世价值的旗手。” 中华民国政府目前在台湾是国际事实,共军(党卫军非国家军队)武力犯台而引起的战争将是中华民国剿匪内战的延续!
















美国反间谍最高官员伊万尼那(William Evanina)说,中共在投入“邪恶资源”到间谍领域,越来越多地使用“更具侵略性”和“更多元化”的非传统间谍手段来对付美国。伊万尼那说,大幅增加的是非传统情报搜集行动。中共大规模派出工程师、商人、学生做搜集、招募工作。



CIA东盟和太平洋副主任怀尔德(Dennis Wilder)说:〝近年来的重大变化是,所有美国人都是中共(间谍战)的目标。〞









最近杭州的王倩自杀就是一个突出的例证。王倩在国企入股的P2P网贷平台投资受骗,全部积蓄化为乌有上吊自杀了(P2P受害者天天有人自杀)。王倩的遗书在网络广泛流传,震撼社会。遗书中说,“这个国家太令人失望”,“我不怕死,但我已经怕活着了” 王倩在遗书中写道:“钱其实没有那么重要,我还年轻,能赚、能活下去,但是这口气实在受不了。这个国家太令人失望。钱被诈骗,立案一个月,一点进展没有”。她还写道,“因为我从小接受的教育是爱国爱党,有极高的集体荣誉感,一下三观全毁了。我没有力量跟他们抗争,平民太弱小”。她又说,“真的太累,看不到希望了”。王倩在遗书中向父母道歉,叮嘱家人照顾儿子和她养的猫,并叮咛孩子要好好读书,长大之后出国留学移民。














现在,中共的战略旨在赢得全球经济的主导地位,增强军力只是其中一部分,这个经济、政治和军事一体化大国正在谋求将自己打造成一个新的全球“霸主”,对外输出反民主政治体制,并在全球实施掠夺性的经济政策。实现和实施这一战略,从整垮美国开始,令全球震惊。历史上,每次中共遇到危机时,都会表现出一些改善的迹象,诱发人们对中共的幻想。“历史的辩证法教会了中国共产党人:应该变的,必须改变,不变则衰;不该变的,决不能变,变则自我瓦解。” 我们都明白中共邪恶维护其集团利益和独裁专制的决心是死不悔改的。





US President Trump:

Members of the US Senate and the House of Representatives:

We: The Overseas Chinese Citizens Committee of the Republic of China hereby submits the following views and suggestions to the US government, please understand!

When the CCP came to the world, it relied on the support of the Red Soviet Union.Deceive the Chinese, deceive the world, deceive the United States.

Note 1, deceptionEdgar Snow's famous allstaroverchinaand many such fairy tale depictions mislead the world, let the good people around the world, and the people in the US decision-making have many good misunderstandings and fantasies about the CP. In the gap between the Sino-Japanese War, the CCP’s army expanded from tens of thousands to more than one million regular troops. With the assistance of the Soviet economy and military, they also used the fantasy of the Western world, occupied the mainland, and rushed the Republic of China government to Taipei, and created a dictatorial system of party power.From then on, the mainland has become a veritable enemy-stricken area and has become a hell on earth. For decades, especially after the Cultural Revolution, countless benevolent and aspirant people who were eager for democracy, freedom, and human rights went to fight with the CCP. However, due to the brutal suppression of the CP, especially in the 8964 CP has openly suppressed the unarmed students and civilians with armed forces. The struggle of the people and the violent machine of the CCP are completely asymmetrical, and it is difficult to achieve breakthrough results. Democratization in China requires the support and help of the world, especially the United States.

We Chinese Americans who are eager for democracy, freedom, and human rights sincerely hope that the US government can help the chinese people who are poor, hardworking, kind, intelligent and suffered the death threat from the CCP, it's evil and anti-human cruel organizations.(illegal, abnormal state powers).

The deception strategy formulated by the CCP misleads past US presidents, cabinet ministers, and other government analysts and policy makers, making them mistakenly believe that China is a friendly country worthy of US support. This has led to the United States providing China with a large amount of capital, technology and expertise, which has enhanced the strength of the Chinese military and the Communist Party’s “super hawks”.

On September 9, 2018, when US President Trump once again expressed strong dissatisfaction with the unfair trade between the United States and China, he said: The days of fraud in the United States are gone forever. This makes us feel that the US government fully recognizes the evils of the Chinese Communist regime and gives us reason to hope that the United States can effectively help the Chinese people fight for democracy, freedom, and human rights!

While show respect to the US government and President Trump, we solemnly put forward our suggestions:
Using the principle of cross-recognition used by the CCP itself, it will resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China without breaking diplomatic relations with the CCP. This is the simplest and most effective way to help the Chinese people create a better future.

The reasons are as follows:

The Republic of China (1912-2018) was the first democratic republic in Asia established since the Revolution of 1911. It is located in eastern Asia and east facing the Pacific Ocean. It was one of the main victors of the Second World War and one of the five main founding members of the United Nations. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Republic of China became an anti-fascist ally, and became the four major countries of the United States, Britain, China and Soviet. And its international status has greatly improved. After 1949, due to the failure of the civil war (common rebellion) moved to Taiwan.

Today, the Republic of China on Taiwan is already a practitioner and

defender of the Universal Value of democracy and freedom in the Asian ethnic group. Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China, said: "At the international level, Taiwan is far more important than everyone thinks. The whole world is concerned about whether Taiwan can hold sovereignty under the tremendous pressure of the CCP and maintain the value of democracy and freedom. (Common) trade war, Taiwan (Republic of China) is not a chess piece, to be the The standard bearer who guards the universal value of democracy and freedom." The Republic of China government in Taiwan is currently an international fact, If the CCP amy(The SS, not the national army) attacked Taiwan by force, it would cause war. The war will be a continuation of the civil war(Eliminate gangsters )in the Republic of China!

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and the 73rd anniversary of the end of World War II. The defeated countries of "World War I" and "World War II" have achieved democratic constitutionalism, accepted a harmonious world view of universal values, and integrated and participated in the establishment of a free, democratic and civilized international society. Only the Chinese Communists are reversing their history. To coercing the Chinese who occupy a quarter of the human population, let them staying away from human civilization. The CCP rejecting universal values, resisting human progress, and wanting to export its extinct value system and smashing the United States in an evil way.And Delusion dominating the world. That has shocked the world.

If the United States takes the lead in resuming formal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China

The first: The countries of the world will follow suit to restore or establish diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. That will break the CCP’s blockade of the Republic of China, solve the CCP’s long-standing threat to Taiwan, and publicize the universal values of democracy, freedom, and human rights! Maintaining stability in Southeast Asia and safeguarding the

best interests of all Chinese people. It will bring hope for peace to the Republic of China, the entire Chinese people, and peace-loving people all over the world. Such a world will be better, more harmonious and more peaceful.

Second: After the Republic of China has actually restored its international status.,and obtaining international space, it is natural to restore the seat of the United Nations and the permanent seat of the Security Council. These two results will have a substantial role in promoting to end the CCP’s rule on the mainland and achieving democratic transformation.

The vast majority of Chinese are looking forward to the early disintegration of the Chinese Communist Party. However, They are afraid of uncertainty in the future. they don’t know how to make a smooth transition to a new China without the CCP. When the moment when the CCP is about to collapse, which force can have a great stabilizing effect on this society? The answer is: Republic of China!

The period of the CCP ruled in 69 years, it deprivation of the social rights of Chinese citizens and actually controlled any groups and groups that might become political forces, the mainland did not have the space to assemble democratic forces. Chinese democracy activist and democracy groups at home and abroad are a group that can play a role. However, as far as the current situation is concerned, after CCP disintegration it is still unable to become a core force for the smooth transition to the new China without the CCP. The free zone led by the Taipei government of the Republic of China has ready-made armed forces, legal systems, and financial systems.

If the government of the Republic of China speaks to the mainland people with confidence and makes a promise:

Once the CCP collapses, to implement the 1947 Constitution of the Republic of China (with necessary amendments and additions to the actual situation in the mainland) establishes a new order."The private property recorded by the National Archives of the Republic of China (Mainland Region), the private property of the CCP's public-private partnership after 1949, the private property owned after the establishment of the socialist economy. (The focus is on the ownership of real estate and land, the vesting of land before the rural land reform, and the vesting of the land contracting after abolition of the people's commune , etc!" All of these are protected by law, and Taiwan dollar replaces RMB equivalent exchange

(Personal deposit).

This will enable the mainland to complete the democratic transformation in the lowest cost and fastest way.

It needs to be emphasized that the restoration of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of China is not an innovation, but an example of the CCP’s own principles. The CCP has recognized the "two-Korean model" in a "cross-recognition" manner In the international community. The United States has only applied the old Chinese saying: to cure the person with its own way! Recognize the "two-china model" in a "cross-recognition" manner.

The proposal of Senator Rubio of the US Senate is what this means.The Senate Bipartisan Foreign Affairs Committee heavyweights Senator Gardner, Rubio, Marchiti and Menedes submitted the bill; authorize the State Council to downgrade or terminate its US diplomatic relations with the country that has abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing;The bill also requires the United States to formulate a strategy to encourage countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize Taiwan or strengthen its unofficial relations.

This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes of abandoning Taiwan in the past and defending Taiwan’s democracy.

However, the resumption of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of China is more direct and effective.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there is a direct benefit to the establishment of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Republic of China government, which will help disintegrate the CCP’s

global spy network!

Japan, Germany, the United States and other countries are stepping up their

efforts to crack down on CCP spies. More and more evidence shows that CCP spies are wide range of identities; have large penetration range; and have a large number of people, so all Chinese to face a crisis of trust in overseas.

William Evanina, the top US anti-espionage official, said that the CCP is is investing in the spy field with "evil resources" and is increasingly using "more aggressive" and "more diverse" non-traditional espionage. To deal with the United States. Ivanina said that the non-traditional intelligence gathering action is substantial increase. The CCP sent engineers, businessmen, and students to take the task of collect and recruit.

Ivanina has been the Director of the National Center for Counterintelligence and Security since 2014.He said that the scope, continuity and diversity of the CCP's espionage operations make it different from Russian and Iranian espionage, forming a unique category.The CCP has brought in international students, scholars, cultural people, staff members, even catering shop staff, massage women, and girl accompanying drinking from China to form a huge spy network.

Ivanina said: "The CCP is the number one (threat). In the long run, they are the biggest threat to our national security."The US Newsweek also reported that the CCP has spared no effort to strengthen the spy war. For decades, the Chinese Ministry of National Security has mainly lured and recruited Chinese Americans, especially those working in the US defense and intelligence agencies or sensitive industries in the United States. In recent years, it has lured non-Chinese Americans into espionage activities.

Former CIA ASEAN and Pacific Deputy Director Dennis Wilder said: The major change in recent years is that all Americans are the targets of the CCP (spy war).

Wu Fan, editor-in-chief of the Chinese-language magazine "China Affairs", said that the United States has now announced to the world that the CCP is the biggest thief, but the CCP has actually used Internet hackers

since the last century and has achieved great success.

A report from the US House of Representatives also lists China's breakthroughs in many science and technology, all of which rely on the

intelligence of industrial espionage. Many countries have been infiltrated, including the German, French, Dutch, Belgian and British governments.

There are many countries that have been infiltrated, including Germany, France, the Netherlands, Belgium and the United Kingdom, and the governments of these countries have fully investigated.

Once the United States and the Republic of China resume diplomatic relations, we, the ROC Overseas Citizenship Committee, can promote the registration, examination, oath, and passport issuance plan for the “Republic of China Overseas Citizens”. The plan is to promote the Republic of China's government to the Chinese who are willing to become citizens of the Republic of China, and issue the passport of the Republic of China on the mainland where the origin is located.(Note: no basis for immigration to Taiwan)

1. Register detailed personal information;

2, Naturalization test;

3. To swear allegiance to the Republic of China.

According to statistics from the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the CCP, there are as many as 60 million Chinese overseas and Chinese living abroad. More than 99% of the Chinese people strongly hope to get the status of a "Citizen of the Republic of China". The motherland they agree with is the Republic of China!

The beginning of man is good! The Chinese nation is a hardworking, kind, and intelligent nation. In the 69-year rule, the CCP deprived Chinese citizens of their basic human rights and forced the use of brainwashing measures to destroy people's normal concept of values and right and wrong.

The recent Wang Qian suicide in Hangzhou is a prominent example. Wang Qian was deceived in the P2P online lending platform invested by state-owned enterprises.All the savings were lost and she committed suicide

(P2P victims committed suicide every day).Wang Qian’s suicide note was widely circulated in the Internet and shocked the society. The suicide note said, "This country is too disappointing." "I am not afraid of death, but I am already afraid of living." Wang Qian wrote in the suicide note: "Money

is not so important, I am still young, can earn, can live. But this angry can't stand it. This country is too disappointing. The money was defrauded and filed for one month. There was no progress at all."She also wrote, "Because the education I received from childhood was a patriotic and loving party, and I had a high sense of collective honor. All three views were completely ruined. I have no strength to fight against them, and civilians are too weak."She added, "It's really too tired and can't see hope." Wang Qian apologized to her parents in her suicide note. Asking the family to take care of the son and her cat, and asked her children have to study hard.,when grew up, went abroad to study.

If the plan for overseas citizens of the Republic of China can be implemented, besides letting the Chinese like Wang Qian “patriotic and loving party" and "Think the country is too disappointing" to get thecourage to survive.It is also to provide information for all brainwashed people to have the opportunity to return to normal concept of values and right and wrong.

Setting up an exam program during the citizenship application process is such an opportunity!Exam learning content; putting facts and reasoning, let citizens understand the wicked evil nature of the CCP:

1. The politics is no humanity
2, The worship is no thought
3. The science is no human feelings
4. The business is no moral
5, The knowledge is no conscience
6, The history is no real.
7, The spirit is no independent
8, The happiness is no freedom
9. The wealth is not from labor
10. The power is no restrict.

This will create a good situation: Chinese who are loyal to the Republic of China and those who do not want to be loyal to the Republic of China are distinct. Various democratic countries can give priority to overseas citizens

of the Republic of China on all aspects, which will killed the psychological foundation of the Chinese spy network. Thoroughly reverse the situation of hanging the five-star red flag in most of the overseas Chinese community.

It also provided a way of expression to the mainland people for peaceful struggle.

Accordingly, we hope that the U.S. government and President Trump will resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China as soon as possible.We believe that this will have a positive effect in the international community.This positive effect will help the Republican midterm elections and general elections.

Overseas Chinese Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

September 18, 2018

[Note 1 : brief description of deception] The CCP has been full of lies since its establishment. The history of the CCP is the history of a lie. The core values of the Chinese Communist Party seem to be only deceiving, and they are constantly deceiving.

"Historically leading voice - Commitment Half a Century ago" author Xiao Shu wrote: The Chinese Communist Party has made a commitment to the entire Chinese people to establish a democratic, free and independent country. At that time, the Kuomintang of China did not engage in democracy, did not give freedom, and did not have the ability to make the country truly independent. Only then did the Communist Party shoulder those commitments to replace it. But this is the lie that the CCP deceives the world.

On January 6, 1941, Roosevelt published the "Four Freedoms" advocated by his most famous speech at the Capitol, namely freedom of speech and expression, freedom of religious belief, freedom from want and freedom from fear. The foundation of civilized society. In August 1941, Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Churchill explained the basic principles of the Atlantic Charter on the basis of the "Four Freedoms". The "Four

Freedoms" was formally adopted by the "United Nations Joint Declaration" jointly issued by the 26 countries on New Year's Day. In 1948, Roosevelt participation in the drafting of the UN Declaration of Human Rights was considered to reaffirm the spirit of the "Four Freedoms."

On July 4, 1944, on the National Day of the United States, the Chinese Communist Party’s newspaper <Xinhua Daily>published a tribute to the American editorial on the theme of the< US National Day Freedom and Democracy Great Struggle Festival>. The editorial links Yan'an to the United States. "The democratic United States already has its companions. Sun Zhongshan's cause has its successors. This is the Chinese Communist Party and other democratic forces. The work that our Communists are doing now is It is the work that Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, etc. have already done in the United States, and it will surely receive the sympathy of the democratic United States. The United States is vigorously assisting China’s war of resistance against Japan and democracy. This is what we are grateful for.” This editorial finally shouted : Long live on July 4! Long live the democratic America! This is a big lie that the CCP has deceived the United States and weakened the United States’ support for the Republic of China.

Now, the CCP’s strategy is aimed at winning the dominance of the global economy. And Strengthening military power is only part of it. This economic, political and military integration country is seeking to turn itself into a new global “Overlord” and export an anti-democratic political system. And implement predatory economic policies globally. The realization and implementation of this strategy, starting from to tricky

United States , that shocked the world. Historically, every time the CCP encounters a crisis, it will show some signs of improvement, inducing people's illusions about the CCP. "Historical dialectics teaches the Chinese communists: that should change, that must change, If it does not change, it will fail . That should not change, that must not change, if change it will become self-disintegrating." We all understand that the evils of the CCP maintain their interests and dictatorship. The determination is to die

without repentance.

On September 9, 2018, US President Trump expressed strong dissatisfaction with the CCP: the days when the United States was deceived are gone forever; we said: The days when the CCP deceived the world are gone forever!

The bill of Senator Rubio of the US Senate:authorize the State Council to downgrade or terminate its US diplomatic relations with the country that has abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing;The bill also requires the United States to formulate a strategy to encourage countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize Taiwan or strengthen its unofficial relations.

This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes of abandoning Taiwan in the past and defending Taiwan’s democracy.

The proposal of US Senate Rubio's proposal has laid a strong legal foundation for that "the days when the United States was deceived are gone forever; the days when the CCP deceived the world are gone forever!"

The Communist Party of China has not fulfilled its promises to the whole world and the entire Chinese people for countless times, but they have asked the world to honor its commitment to a "One-China"! All countries that have contracted with the Republic of China must fulfill their commitments in accordance with the three principles of “broken diplomatic relations”, “discarded contracts” and “Revocation of consulate” when establishing diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. However, the CCP has asked the DPRK to accept the CCP’s "cross-

recognition" approach when negotiating with South Korea, hoping to exchange for the United States and Japan recognition of North Korea with establish diplomatic relations between China and South Korea.

On July 15, 1992, Qian Qichen was entrusted by General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Jiang Zemin to rush to Pyongyang to convey the message of China's decision to establish diplomatic relations with South Korea. After Kim Il Sung listened, he said, "We understand China to decide own foreign policy in accordance with independence, be own and

equality .We will continue to work hard to promote friendly relations with China." But Kim Il Sung, who has visited China more than 30 times in public or in secret, has never set foot on China's land since July 15, 1992.




  告中華民國兩區及海外全體公民書 依據中華民國憲法、中華民國憲法增修條文,中華民國國籍法之規定,國家統一前,中 華民國分為兩個部分:大陸地區(淪陷區)和台灣地區(自由區),兩區的國人都具有中華民 國國籍。在世界其他地區的華人不論來自哪裡,都是中華民國的海外公民。 如今多災多難的...