
The Letter to The Government of Poland:《给波兰政府的信》





1, 没有人性的政治
2, 没有思想的崇拜
3, 没有人文的科学
4, 没有道德的商业
5, 没有良知的知识
6, 没有真实的历史
7, 没有独立的精神
8, 没有自由的幸福
9, 没有劳动的富裕






2017919日特朗普总统在第72届联合国大会发表讲话“我们并不要求各国遵守同样的文化、传统,甚至政府制度。但是我们冀望所有的国家履行两个核心的主权责任:尊重本国人民的利益,尊重其他任何主权国家的权利。这是这个机构美好的前景,也是合作和成功的基础。” 他还说“如果正义的大多数人不面对邪恶的少数人,邪恶就会得逞。”



美国总统川普(特朗普)周二(2018918日这天正是波兰1929918日与中华民国建交79年纪念日)下午会见到访的波兰总统杜达。在椭圆形办公室会晤后,两国总统在白宫举行了联合记者会,他们表示,美国和波兰将在军事和能源等领域加强合作,共同抵御俄罗斯对波兰和欧洲的威胁。 川普和杜达在会谈中达成共识,将加强美国和波兰之间强大的国防关系,并且将在军事关系、情报、导弹防御、技术和训练方面加强合作。

波兰总统杜达希望得到美国更多的军事支持,他请求美国在波兰设立永久军事基地,以抵御俄罗斯的入侵威胁。 杜达说:“我笑着告诉(川普)总统,我说我非常希望我们在波兰建立一个永久美军基地,我们会为其取名为‘川普堡’,我坚信有这种可能性。我相信,这样的决定既符合波兰的利益,也符合美国的利益。”





联合国秘书长古特雷斯(Antonio Guterres)发表的年度报告中,包括中国和俄罗斯在内的38个国家,被指以虐待、监视、刑事定罪、公众侮辱等不同手段,打压捍卫人权人士。古特雷斯说,捍卫人权的人士向联合国提供资料,但却因他们与联合国合作而受到惩罚,这是可耻的做法,全世界都亏欠了他们。

























Polish Permanent Representative to the United Nations:

Government of Poland:

The overseas chinese people who are pursuing freedom, democracy and human rights are here to recommend that the Polish government follow the CCP's "two-Korean model", restore relations with the Republic of China on diplomatic relations and military alliances, and create an international precedent for "cross-recognition" in the international arena.

The thoughts and reasons why we made this suggestion are as follows:

1. The CCP is already a public enemy of mankind.

Poland once suffered from the shackles of communist autocracy, and the Polish government and people have a deep understanding of this. But the CCP's dictatorship is more evil and more terrible than the Polish communist dictatorship. It can be said it is evil that cannot be forgiven:

1. The politics is no humanity
2, The worship is no thought
3. The science is no human feelings
4. The business is no moral
5, The knowledge is no conscience
6, The history is no real.
7, The spirit is no independent
8, The happiness is no freedom
9.The wealth is not from labor
10.The power is no restrict.

They have all developed to the extreme.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and the 73rd anniversary of the end of World War II. The defeated countries of "World War I" and "World War II", as well as Eastern European countries including Poland, have achieved democratic constitutionalism, accepted a harmonious worldview of universal values, and integrated and established freedom, democracy, civilized international society with advanced democracy countries such as the United States.

Only the Chinese Communists are reversing their history. To coercing the Chinese who occupy a quarter of the human population, let them staying away from human civilization. The PCC rejecting universal values, resisting human progress,.Not only that, the CCP has used the goodwill of the international community to obtain a deformed economic development and enhanced the economic and military power of the authoritarian regime. Based on this, the CCP attempts to export the anti-human value system and the evil system, and also wants to use the evil way smashing the United States and dominates the world. So today the CCP is already the public enemy of mankind!

But after all, the Evil cannot suppress justice! For the heinous CCP, the democratic countries have begun joint action, not only to prevent their expansion, but sooner or later, to liquidate the CCP like the Nazis, to disintegrate the CCP’s global threat.

2.Poland is already an important member of the international democratic society, an important ally of the United States.

On September 19, 2017, President Trump delivered a speech at the 72nd UN General Assembly. "We do not require countries to abide by the same culture, traditions, and even government systems. But we expect all countries to fulfill two core sovereign responsibilities: respect The interests of the people of the country and respect the rights of any other sovereign state. This is the wonderful prospect of this institution and the basis for cooperation and success.” He also said that “if most people in Justice do not face Evil minority, evil will Got it."

The democratic cultural traditions and democratic training in the history of Poland, even in the period of communist dictatorship, "social pluralism" also survived stubbornly, the transitional political elites and political parties treated the democratic attitude, the mature and developed civil society and other factors made the concept of democracy has been able to consolidate and development in Poland . In 1990, Poland officially passed the "Party Law", which laid the foundation for the rule of law for the implementation of the multi-party system.

Today Poland is already an important member of the international democratic society.

US President Trump met with visiting Polish President Duda on Tuesday afternoon (September 18, 2018, which was the 79th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Poland and the Republic of China on September 18, 1929). After the meeting at the Oval Office, the two presidents held a joint press conference at the White House. They said that the United States and Poland will strengthen cooperation in the military and energy fields to jointly resist Russia's threat to Poland and Europe.

Trump and Duda reached a consensus during the talks, which will strengthen the strong defense relationship between the United States and Poland, and will strengthen cooperation in military relations, intelligence, missile defense, technology and training.

Polish President Duda hopes to get more military support from the United States. He asked the United States to set up a permanent military base in Poland to resist the threat of Russian invasion.

Duda said: "I told President (Trump) with a smile. I said that I very much hope that we will establish a permanent US military base in Poland. We will name it "Trump Fort" and I firmly believe that there is such a possibility. I believe that such a decision is in the interests of both Poland and the United States."

President Duda also publicly stated that Poland will pay the US more than 2o billion US dollars for this base, and the United States will conduct assessment.

Poland is the frontier of NATO's confrontation with Russia. Europe and the United States support Poland in military and economic terms. Together with its own efforts, Poland has always been a relatively good Eastern European country with economic development. Poland used to belong to the planned economy under the control of the former Soviet Union. It was not until the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s that it began to enter the market economy. Since Poland's economic starting point is also relatively low, it can maintain a steady growth momentum. In 1999, Poland joined NATO and joined the European Union in 2004. Currently, Poland is one of the fastest growing economies in the European Union.

There is no doubt that Poland is already an important member of resist the Russian authoritarian regime, and

3.Poland can also play a huge role in resisting and eliminating the CCP’s threat to the civilized world.

In the annual report issued by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 38 countries, including China and Russia, were accused of suppressing human rights defenders by means of abuse, surveillance, criminal conviction, and public insult. Guterres said that it is a shameful practice for people who defend human rights to provide information to the United Nations and to cooperate with the United Nations. The whole world owes them.

Violations of human rights are a great destructive to the current international security. Protecting and promoting human rights should be the common responsibility of all countries. Support the UN Human Rights Council to play a greater role.

In the UN 2018 annual report, China has also condemned the suppression of human rights by different means such as abuse, surveillance, criminal conviction, and public insult.

Poland attaches importance to and pays attention to human rights issues. The struggle for human rights, democracy and freedom in Poland in modern times is worth learning by other countries.

US Senate Senator Rubio’s proposal, authorize the State Council to downgrade or terminate its US diplomatic relations with the country that has abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing;The bill also requires the United States to formulate a strategy to encourage countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize Taiwan or strengthen its unofficial relations.

This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes of abandoning Taiwan in the past and defending Taiwan’s democracy.

Therefore, at this moment, if Poland and the Republic of China resume diplomatic relations, it is the most powerful support for the United Nations and the United States. It is the simplest and most effective resist against the CCP’s threat.Great contribution to the protection of human rights!

4.This is just the use of the CCP’s own practices.

The CCP’s failure to honor the commitments made to the whole world and the entire Chinese people is already unable to calculate, but they demand that the world fulfill its commitment to “ One China”! All countries that have contracted with the Republic of China must fulfill their commitments in accordance with the three principles of “Broken diplomatic relations”, “Discarded contracts” and “Evacuation of the embassy” when establishing diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. But the CCP’s own approach is: When negotiating diplomatic relations with South Korea, based on the consideration of North Korea (established diplomatic relations), the CCP has initiated diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea by proactively proposing "cross-recognition" .

Therefore, it is time for the international community to adopt the "two-Korean model" that the CCP itself recognizes and to break through the "One China" boundary delimited by the CCP. This is just "the way to cure it by their own way."

Our overseas Chinese who pursue freedom, democracy and human rights sincerely hope that the Polish government will use the "two-Korean model" of the CCP to create a precedent for "cross-recognition" in the international arena, and take the lead in recognizing the legitimate international status of the Republic of China. The relationship with the Republic of China to resume normal diplomatic relations and military alliances. This will greatly support the Chinese people who are for freedom, democracy and human rights. Bring peace to Poland, the United States, the Republic of China, the entire Chinese people, and peace-loving people all over the world.

5. This is also a matter of course.

The Republic of China (1912-2018) was the first democratic republic in Asia established since the Revolution of 1911. It is located in eastern Asia and east facing the Pacific Ocean. It was one of the main victors of the Second World War and one of the five main founding members of the United Nations. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Republic of China became an anti-fascist ally, and became the four major countries of the United States, Britain, China and Soviet. And its international status has greatly improved. After 1949, due to the failure of the civil war (common rebellion) moved to Taiwan.The Chinese nation is a hardworking, kind, and intelligent nation. In the 69-year rule of the Chinese mainland, the CCP deprived the human rights of Chinese (mainland) citizens.

Today, the Republic of China on Taiwan is already the practitioner and

defender of the Universal Value of democracy and freedom in the Asian ethnic group. Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China, said: "At the international level, Taiwan is far more important than everyone thinks. The whole world is concerned about whether Taiwan can hold sovereignty under the tremendous pressure of the CCP and maintain the value of democracy and freedom. (Common) trade war, Taiwan (Republic of China) is not a chess piece, to be the The standard bearer who guards the universal value of democracy and freedom." The Republic of China government in Taiwan is currently an international fact, If the CCP amy(The SS, not the national army) attacked Taiwan by force, it would cause war. The war will be a continuation of the civil war(Eliminate gangsters )in the Republic of China!

As early as September 18, 1929, Poland established diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. On June 24, 1942, the Embassy of the Republic of China in the Republic of Poland (formerly located in the British capital of London, May 1945, Nazi Germany surrendered and moved back to Poland) and sent an ambassador (participating in Belgium).

On October 5, 1949, Poland under the control of the Soviet Union broke off diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. During the "cold war" between the East and the West in the 1950s and 1990s, Poland, which was closed in the Communist camp, is no official contact with the Republic of China.

In 1989, "the drastic changes in Eastern Europe", after the fall of the evil regime of the CPSU, Poland was transformed into a democratic country and reopened to the outside world, re-establishing contacts with the Republic of China.

Poland is the 1st trading partner of the Republic of China in Eastern Europe (excluding Russia). In 2017, Poland was the 40th largest trading partner of the Republic of China, the 50th largest import partner and the 29th largest export partner.

The Republic of China is linked to universal values such as democracy, freedom, human rights and the rule of law.

Therefore, it is a matter of course, Restoration of diplomatic relations between the to get rid of the communist autocratic Poland and the democratic Republic of China. This is not only a matter of two countries, but also a major event in safeguarding universal values and a civilized world.

Moreover, Poland’s democratic transformation: the collapse of centralized or authoritarian regimes, the transformation of democratic polities, and the consolidation of democratic polities. The transition of constitutionalism is the core of political transition. During the transition period, the rule of law is strengthened and the independence of the judiciary is guaranteed. Poland's successful experience of democratic transformation is an example of establishment of a constitutional democracy in the promote democratic transformation in mainland China and The era after the end of the CCP in the era of democratic by the Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China.


If the Poland's government takes the lead in resuming diplomatic relations with the Republic of China, it will lead many countries including Europe, Canada, Australia and the Americas to follow the example of the Polish government and resume diplomatic and military alliances with Republic of China(Taiwan) that is the democratic, freedom, rule-of-law, have human rights country. This world will be better, more harmonious and more peaceful.

All in all: Poland's resumption of diplomatic relations with the Republic of China will conducive to a closer relationship between Poland and the United States; it will conducive to resisting and eliminating the CCP's threat to the civilized world; it is wil conducive to the democratic transformation of the Chinese mainland; it is will conducive to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait; and will conducive to world peace. At the same time, it is also a reasonable and logical thing. It is also a great contribution to mankind!

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China.

September 24, 2018





  告中華民國兩區及海外全體公民書 依據中華民國憲法、中華民國憲法增修條文,中華民國國籍法之規定,國家統一前,中 華民國分為兩個部分:大陸地區(淪陷區)和台灣地區(自由區),兩區的國人都具有中華民 國國籍。在世界其他地區的華人不論來自哪裡,都是中華民國的海外公民。 如今多災多難的...