
Suggestion to Socialist Republic of Vietnam《给越南社会主义共和国的建议》










Suggestion to Socialist Republic of Vietnam

The Government  of Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Our prudent proposal: the Socialist Republic of Vietnam resumes diplomatic relations with the Republic of China

The reasons are as follows:

1.The CCP ignores the ruling of the International Tribunal on the South China Sea and continues to do unreasonable actions in the South China Sea, which hinders the free navigation of the South China Sea international sea area and also harms the interests of your country. Developing and strengthening friendly relations with the United States and the Republic of China will help your country safeguard its own interests.

2.The deterioration of US-China relations has strengthened the relationship between the United States and the Republic of China. At the same time as the Republic of China submitted an application for the restoration of the legitimate seat of the United Nations, the United States has released information on the establishment of an embassy with the Republic of China (resumption of diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level). Therefore, improving relations with the Republic of China and same improving relations with the United States. It can be said that it is one ston get two birds!

3.The current improvement of friendly relations with the United States and the Republic of China will give your country a rare opportunity for economic development. Because, in 1972, China and the United States established diplomatic relations, and the Chinese Communist Party joined the WTO in 2001, until now. It turns out that the CP is habitually disloyal, overbearing and not repenting! Implementing high tariffs on the United States, high trade barriers, unscrupulously stealing American technology and trying to dominate the world. The US-China trade conflict has triggered ,and trend of continued escalation of the US-China trade war. Many processing companies in the US and the Republic of China on the mainland are shifting. I hope that your country will pay attention to this opportunity and make your country the first choice for enterprise transfer.

4.From 1955 to 1975, the Republic of China and Vietnam maintained their official diplomatic relations. Due to repeated Against Chinese demonstrations in Vietnam. After the Vietnam 513 Against Chinese incident in 2014, after consultation, the Vietnamese government agreed that Taiwanese businessmen should hang out the banner of the “Blue Sky and Red Day” of the Republic of China in order to protect themselves. It also highlights the high-tech and high value-added investment projects of the Republic of China that are important to your country. If the diplomatic relations with the Republic of China are resumed, it will further strengthen the comprehensive cooperation of the two countries in technology and economy, and win-win and mutual benefit.

5.The cross-strait relations in the Taiwan Strait have always been in a state of tension and there is no solution for the time being. If your country uses its own unique advantages, try the two Korean (South Korea, North Korea), two (East German, West German) models, and establish diplomatic relations with the two sides of the strait to provide solutions for peace across the Taiwan Strait, including the United States. The international community has won unanimous praise and has caused many countries to follow suit! This will help the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to resolve the conflict peacefully! It will conducive to avoiding the war between the Chinese people on both sides of the strait! It will conducive to guaranteeing free navigation in the international sea area of the South China Sea! It will conducive to peace and stability in Southeast Asia and the world!

Therefore, we hope that your government will pay attention to our recommendations.

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

September 3 2018 




  告中華民國兩區及海外全體公民書 依據中華民國憲法、中華民國憲法增修條文,中華民國國籍法之規定,國家統一前,中 華民國分為兩個部分:大陸地區(淪陷區)和台灣地區(自由區),兩區的國人都具有中華民 國國籍。在世界其他地區的華人不論來自哪裡,都是中華民國的海外公民。 如今多災多難的...