

Suggestion to Governments around the world《向各国政府的呼吁:》
























Suggestion to Governments around the world

The most effective way to oppose Chinese socialism

Governments around the world:

Overseas Citizens Committee of ROC recommends that governments around the world follow the CCP’s "two-Korean model" and resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China.

US President Trump said at the UN General Assembly: The suffering of our planet stems from the few evil regimes. He also said: All countries should oppose socialism, which brings suffering to the people. Socialist communism brings suffering, corruption and chaos to the people.

The largest and most stubborn fortress of socialism and communism is the CCP. At the same time, the Chinese Communist regime is also the most evil and the most threatening to human civilization.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I and the 73rd anniversary of the end of World War II. The defeated countries of "World War I" and "World War II", as well as Eastern European countries , have achieved democratic constitutionalism, accepted a harmonious worldview of universal values, and integrated and established freedom, democracy, civilized international society with advanced democracy countries such as the United States.

Only the Chinese Communists are reversing their history. During the 69-year period, to coercing the Chinese who occupy a quarter of the human population, let them staying away from human civilization. The PCC rejecting universal values, resisting human progress,.Not only that, the CCP has used the goodwill of the international community to obtain a deformed economic development and enhanced the economic and military power of the authoritarian regime. Based on this, the CCP no scruples to export the anti-human value system and the evil system, and also wants to use the evil way smashing the United States and dominates the world. So today the CCP is already the public enemy of mankind!

But after all, the Evil cannot suppress justice! For the heinous CCP, the democratic countries have begun joint action, not only to prevent their expansion, but sooner or later, to liquidate the CCP like the Nazis, to disintegrate the CCP’s global threat.

We believe that there is a simplest way to effectively curb the CCP’s expansion and do evil in the international community, that is, to resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China.

First, support the Republic of China is to defend democracy! Defend the universal value!

The Republic of China (1912-2018) was the first democratic republic in Asia established since the Revolution of 1911. It is located in eastern Asia and east facing the Pacific Ocean. It was one of the main victors of the Second World War and one of the five main founding members of the United Nations. During the Anti-Japanese War, the Republic of China became an anti-fascist ally, and became the four major countries of the United States, Britain, China and Soviet. And its international status has greatly improved. After 1949, due to the failure of the civil war (common rebellion) moved to Taiwan.The Chinese nation is a hardworking, kind, and intelligent nation. In the 69-year rule of the Chinese mainland, the CCP deprived the human rights of Chinese (mainland) citizens.

Today, the Republic of China on Taiwan is already the practitioner and

defender of the Universal Value of democracy and freedom in the Asian ethnic group. Tsai Ing-wen, President of the Republic of China, said: "At the international level, Taiwan is far more important than everyone thinks. The whole world is concerned about whether Taiwan can hold sovereignty under the tremendous pressure of the CCP and maintain the value of democracy and freedom. (Common) trade war, Taiwan (Republic of China) is not a chess piece, to be the The standard bearer who guards the universal value of democracy and freedom." The Republic of China is closely linked to the universal values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights.

Recent US Senate Senator Rubio’s proposal, authorize the State Council to downgrade or terminate its US diplomatic relations with the country that has abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing;The bill also requires the United States to formulate a strategy to encourage countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize Taiwan or strengthen its unofficial relations.

This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes of abandoning Taiwan in the past and Turn to defend the democracy of Taiwan (Republic of China).

It can be seen that more and more people of insight believe that supporting the Republic of China is to defend democracy! Defend the universal value!

Second, This is just the use of the CCP’s own practices

The CCP’s failure to honor the commitments made to the whole world and the entire Chinese people is already unable to calculate, but they demand that the world fulfill its commitment to “ One China”! All countries that have contracted with the Republic
of China must fulfill their commitments in accordance with the three principles of “Broken diplomatic relations”, “Discarded contracts” and “Evacuation of the embassy” when establishing diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. But the CCP’s own approach is: When negotiating diplomatic relations with South Korea, based on the consideration of North Korea (established diplomatic relations), the CCP has initiated diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea by proactively proposing "cross-recognition" .

Therefore, it is time for the international community to adopt the "two-Korean model" that the CCP itself recognizes and to break through the "One China" boundary delimited by the CCP. This is just "the way to cure it by their own way."

The Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China sincerely hopes that governments around the world will use the "two-Korean model" of the CCP to create "cross-recognition" in the international arena, recognize the legitimate international status of the Republic of China, and resume normal diplomatic relations with the Republic of China.

We believe, if any country takes the lead in this step, it will leave an indelible mark on history. Because the country’s actions will be welcomed and emulated by all countries that cherish universal values, including the United States, and the restoration of relations with the Republic of China will become the general trend.

Once such a situation arises, the CCP’s international space will be greatly reduced, and there will be tremendous shocks within the CCP’s ruling clique and many changes will occur, and the Chinese people who pursue freedom, democracy and human rights, will be greatly supported.

The Chinese people’s struggle to end the CCP’s autocracy will surely win, but if this fight has your support, this day will come faster!

I hope you to value our suggestion!

Overseas Citizens Committee of the ROC September 25, 2018

