

Appeal for the Pope to sign a contract with the CCP 《就教廷与中共签约向各民主国家的呼吁》



这一举动引起了许多教职人员包括退休的香港枢机主教陈日君的强烈批评。他们认为:任何与北京的协议都是对天主教的背叛。教廷缺乏对中国宗教现状的基本认知。他们对共产主义的本质根本认识不透。陈日君敦促梵蒂冈国务卿彼得罗 帕罗林(Pietro Parolin)枢机主教辞职,因为他缺乏信仰。










Tomas P.Cristiani, 纽约,Social Justice initiani, Catholic


联署方式:电邮:lianluo99@gmail.com 电话:Tel:(929)204-8350 Tel:(292)204-8350
Appeal to various democratic countries

for the Pope to sign a contract with the CCP

On September 23, 2018, the Pope and Vice Minister of State Relations Camilleli held talks with the Chinese authorities in Beijing and signed an interim agreement on the appointment of the bishop.

This action has caused strong criticism from many religious figure, including retired Hong Kong cardinal Chen Rijun. They believe that any agreement with Beijing is a betrayal of Catholicism. The Holy See lacks a basic understanding of the current state of Chinese religion. They do not understand the essence of communism at all. Chen Rijun urged Vatican Secretary of State Peter Cardinal Pietro Parolin to resign because he lacked faith.

Just two days after the agreement was signed, US President Trump said at the UN General Assembly: The suffering of our planet stems from the few evil regimes. He also said: All countries should oppose socialism, which brings suffering to the people. Socialist communism brings suffering, corruption and chaos to the people.

From this we can see how inappropriate it is for the Holy See to sign an agreement with the CCP!

We know that we can't change this thing, but we should avoid the negative consequences of this event!

First, we appeal to the Holy See not to sever diplomatic relations with the Republic of China.,under the pressure of the Chinese authorities.
The Republic of China is a democratic country and a country of freedom of belief. The US government has clearly stated that it wants to support the democratic Republic of China and enhance the international status of the Republic of China. It also deserves the support of the Holy See and the democratic countries.

Second, we appeal to the Holy See to truly care for Christians in mainland China and support their efforts to uphold their faith.

Third, we have noticed that the Holy See, as a diplomatic sovereign entity, actually adopted the "cross-recognition" approach and achieved the "two-

China model" in the field of international diplomacy. This can also be seen as the "two-China mode" icebreaker. therefore

Fourth, we hope that all countries that adhere to universal values such as freedom and democracy will take action to follow this model and fully resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. This may be the best result of the most beneficial human civilization and world peace that has been drawn from this incident.

Jointed groups:

1.American Wanrenjie News Culture Foundation
2.new York, Grand Alliance for China's Reunification under the Three Principles of the People
3.Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

Jointed individuals:

1, Jinshan Yu,New York, President of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce of NY 2, Tomas P.Cristiani,Bizhou Wei ,New York, senior media person,
3, Catholic,New York, Social Justice initiani
4, Yi Liu San Francisco, Pastor of American Chinese Christian Justice Fellowship
5, Yong Li, New York, "New York News" president and editor
6, the United States, Christian pastor, Yan Xiong
7, Jie zhang, New York,Scholar、Critic
8, Shenqi Fu,New  York,Special commentator of  RFA
Note1The CCP’s failure to honor the commitments made to the whole world and the entire Chinese people is already unable to calculate, but they demand that the world fulfill its commitment to “ One China”! All countries that have contracted with the Republic of China must fulfill their commitments in accordance with the three principles of “Broken diplomatic relations”, “Discarded contracts” and “Evacuation of the embassy” when establishing diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China. But the CCP’s own approach is: When negotiating diplomatic relations with South Korea, based on the consideration of North Korea (established diplomatic relations), the CCP has initiated diplomatic relations with the Republic of Korea by proactively proposing "cross-recognition" .

Therefore, it is time for the international community to adopt the "two-Korean model" that the CCP itself recognizes and to break through the "One China" boundary delimited by the CCP. This is just "the way to cure it by their own way."

Note 2We can think that the reason why the Pope signed with the CCP is only "temporary", because him want to hear the opinions of all parties before making a final decision. Therefore, we hope that groups and individuals who care about the welfare of the Republic of China fully to express their opinions at this time. If you agree with us, please Joint signature with us. If you have your own opinion, you are welcome to participate in our press conference.

The Way of Joint signing : E-mail: lianluo99@gmail.com

Tell: Tel:(929)204-8350 (347)506-9077


