

Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (2)争取共和党中期选举胜选的建议(二)











中共中共政权正在采取“滥用职权、强取豪夺”的手段掠夺民营私产。马云交出阿里法律实体控制权,被五个神秘人接手,在中共政府加强控制企业的背景下,可以认为是一种公私合营掠夺私产的方式。 建议美国政府对中共“滥用职权、强取豪夺”说不!出手帮助马云夺回(私有财产)公司控制权,如果中共当局不能证明阿里的私营性质,应视为中共的国家资本,使用制裁手段对阿里巴巴上市公司停牌制。这也阻止中共国家资本对美国股民的剥夺!

















以上建议是阅读“美国副总统彭斯先生2018 104 日在哈德逊研究所就美国政府对华政策发表的讲话 ” 之后有感而发!感恩美国!最后,让我们重复彭斯先生的话:相信美国人民与中国人民之间持久友谊,相信天国看到未来的、因着上帝的恩典,美国和中国将共同迎接这个未来。上帝祝福你们。上帝保佑美国。



Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (2)

Win the US-China trade war

Support China's private economy

Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China.He comprehensively expounded the US’s major policy in the new era of “great power competition”. The most directly competitive country is China.

Burns reviewed the history of US-China relations in detail and pointed out that previous governments have helped China enter the world economic market. It is the hope that China, with its economic prosperity, will expand its freedom in all aspects and integrate into the civilized world family. "but that hope has gone unfulfilled..”

The CCP has used the goodwill of the United States to "used an arsenal of policies inconsistent with free and fair trade, including tariffs, quotas, currency manipulation, forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and industrial subsidies doled out like candy, to name a few." America had hoped that economic liberalization would bring China into greater partnership with United States and "with the world."

Instead, China has chosen economic aggression, which has in turn emboldened its growing military."This military force is helping the CCP to move toward controlling the world and "changing the international order" in the anti-human principle. "For a time, Beijing inched toward greater liberty and respect for human rights, but in recent years, it has taken a sharp U-turn toward control and oppression." This kind of China has become more and more dangerous to the world!

In the face of such a serious threat, President Trump leads the Republican Party taken decisive action to respond with the consistent " plying the principles, and the policies, long advocated in these halls ." Defend the interests of the United States”with renewed American strength”This is a battle, a warfare of Rules and Fraud; Contract and Willfulness; Civilized and Barbaric; Democracy and Autocracy

In order for the Republican Party led by President Trump to have enough time to win this battle, the midterm elections are crucial. In order to win the midterm elections, it is important to win votes for African-American voters. We have already submit the suggestion that are easy to operate.

However, winning the US-China trade war is also a key issue for more public support. We propose a second suggestion:

Helping Chinese private enterprises with the rules of world trade,Forcing the CCP to restore the normal economic and trade relations between the United States and China “grounded in fairness, reciprocity, and respect for sovereignty.”Let President Trump and the Republican Party win wider public support.

Specific measure:

1. Forced the CCP to stop the second public-private partnership that looting private property

The Chinese Communist regime is plundering private property by means of “abuse of power and powerful capture”. Ma Yun surrendered the control of Ali legal entity and was taken over by five mysterious people. In the context of the Chinese government's efforts to control enterprises, it can be considered as a way of public-private partnerships to plunder private property. I suggest that the US government say no to the CCP’s “abuse of power and powerful capture”. To help Ma Yun regain control of the (private property) company, if the CCP authorities can not prove Ali's private nature, it should be regarded as the CCP's state capital, using sanctions to stop the stock trad of the Alibaba listed company.This also prevents the CCP's capital from depriving American investors!

2.The president signed an executive order: Encourage private enterprises to invest in the North American "US-Mexico Special Economic Zone" [Note 1]. In this way, it will provide a safe haven for private property of all non-market economy countries, especially the Chinese private property that is being encroaching The president’s executive order can clearly stipulate that when China’s private investment in North America is restricted by the CCP, the US administration can freeze the state-owned assets invested by the CCP in the United States, such as the Bank of China. This will provide effective protection for the survival and continued development of China's private economy.

3.In order to make actual operation,of first and second specific measure,it is recommended to set up a new visa for private enterprises to invest in North America: B3 (non-immigrant business investment visa) [Note 2], the investment project can maintain normal operation and profit for more than five years, and can apply for the whole family Immigration to the United States.

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

October 3, 2018 

[Note 1] The (USMCA), a rigorous agreement, will not only further implement the goal of keeping US companies in local investment and production, but will also lead more manufacturers in countries with North America as the main market—especially private enterprises, foreign companies, and Taiwanese companies in China—transfer location to invest in North America. The establishment of the US-Mexico Special Economic Zone on the (USMCA) is the best measure for implementing the new North American Free Trade Agreement.

On the 3,169-kilometer border between the United States and Mexico, building hundreds of factories and creating jobs for more than two million South Americans is a very easy task. At the same time, it can be fundamentally solved. The issue of illegal immigration on the US-Mexico border (specific measures will be described in “Recommendations (III)). In addition, the cost of building walls between the United States and Mexico can also be derived from the US-Mexico Special Economic Zone.

[Note 2] Regarding the application qualifications for the B3 non-immigrant business investment visa, we propose the following reference opinions:

1.Submit a notarized affidavit of “Do not seek permanent immigration to the United States”. No criminal record notarization.

2.Submit a Chinese citizen passport fingerprint issued by a Chinese public security organ notarized by a notarized institution (cancel the H1B work visa, cancel the lottery immigration, cancel the L1 visa. All B3 visas must be applied overseas)

3.The B3 non-immigrant business investment visa can be used in the United States with the same visa time. Outside the normal time allowed by US Customs 1-94, the visa holder can apply to the Immigration Bureau for the required stay time.

4.B3 Non-immigrant business investment visas allow for business, investment activities and related work during stay in US, but must apply for a B3 work permit. Legal tax return (not to report social security tax, can be replenished after formal immigration). It is required to provide the Immigration Bureau with a tax report of 125% above the poverty line during the annual tax return period.

5.B3 Non-immigrant business investment visas are not allowed to adjust any immigration non-immigrant visa during the stay in the United States.

6.The B3 non-immigrant business investment visa will be embedded in a tracking chip.

7.B3 visa can enter a third country with a visa-free agreement in the United States for a short trip

8.If the B3 visa holder is qualified, he or she can join the US Army (university degree or above) and apply for naturalization one year later.

The above suggestions are maded after reading the Vice President Mike Pence's Remarks on the Administration's Policy Towards China.Thank the United StatesFinally, let me repeat what Mr. Pence's said:Faith in the enduring friendship between the American people and the Chinese people.

Faith that heaven sees the future – and by God’s grace, America and China will meet that future together. God bless you! And God bless the America!

