

Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (3)争取共和党中期选举胜选的建议(三)





二、特朗普总统说,所有非法移民想要获得合法身份只有“一条路”:“回家,重新申请进入美国。” 这体现了,契约精神、公正、平等和依法办理的精神。历年来,美国政府处理非法移民,主要是堵。





3、通过申请合法进入《特区》工作、生活、学习和创业的南美洲各囯公民,将得到一份《特区身份证》、《特区工作许可证》及配套的《社会安全号码》纳入美国国民待遇管理体系。(属非移民特别类别) 4、合法取得《特区身份证》、《特区工作许可证》及配套的《社会安全号码》的各国公民,在特区内可考取《特区驾照》,除了工作之外,可合法的进入美国本土旅行、探亲访友、留学及申请加入美国军队。









Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (3)

Established the "US-Mexico Special Economic Zone"

The establishment of the "US-Mexico Special Economic Zone" under the new North American Free Trade Agreement (USMCA) has the following major significance:

1.On the 3,169-kilometer border between the United States and Mexico, once a special zone is established, it is very easy to build hundreds of thousands of factories and create more than two million jobs for South Americans. The Special Zone provides a broad stage. to encourage private companies, including China, to invest in the SAR. Apart from the private economy that is mentioned in (2), which can help China, it is also of great significance to the economic development of the United States.

The special zone provides a broad investment platform for private companies, including China.In addition to help the private economy of china that is mentioned in Recommendation (2), it is also of great significance to the economic development of the United States.

2.Second, President Trump said that all illegal immigrants want to obtain legal status only "one way": "go home, re-apply into the United States." This reflects the spirit of the contract, justice, equality and the spirit of the law. Over the years, the US government has dealt with illegal immigrants, mainly blocking. It is of course necessary to build a wall at the US-Mexico border, but at the same time, a buffered, humanized and blocking by dredging method can be used to block the illegal immigrants. The establishment of the "US-Mexico Special Economic Zone" is this method. The special zone welcomes citizens of South America, including Mexico, to apply for legal entry into the special zone to work, live, study and start businesses. The special zone can be built into a buffer zone for Mexican citizens to immigrate to the United States. specific methods:

(1).The President signs an administrative order: to protect the property of private entrepreneurs in non-market economy countries, and to provide specific plans, which is to encourage private enterprises in countries including China to invest in the North American "Mexico-Mexico Special Economic Zone."

(2).Encourage US companies, Mexican companies, and Mexican entrepreneurs who are successful in the United States to set up factories in the US-Mexico border. Increase employment opportunities in the Special Zone.

(3).Citizens of South American countries who apply for legal entry into the Special Zone to work, live, study and start a business will receive a Special Zone ID card, Special Zone Work Permit and supporting Social Security Number into US nationals. Treatment management system. (non-immigrant special category).

(4).Citizens of all countries who have legally obtained the "Special Zone Identity Card", the " Special Zone Work Permit" and the supporting "Social Security Number" can obtain the "Driver License in the Special Zone." in the, except for the work ("Special Zone Work permit"has been limited. In addition to work, they can legally enter the United States to travel, visit relatives and friends, study and apply to join the US military.

(5).Citizens of South American countries who have legally obtained the "Special Zone Identity Card", the "Special Zone Work Permit" and the corresponding "Social Security Number", within five years are legally taxed and can prove that they have not become the burden of the US public and have no criminal record. They can eligible to apply for a US immigrant visa. (except for those who apply to join the US Army)

(6).Encourage Mexican citizens who have illegally entered the United States for many years to apply for entry into the US-Mexico Special Economic Zone, and make full use of the "Special Zone" to realize their American dream.

In this way, it will buffered the smuggling of death, made the border management more humane, and can fundamentally solve the problem of illegal immigrants on the US-Mexico border.

After successful experience, it can be used to solve all illegal immigration problems. Provided legal immigration opportunities for normal immigrants and illegal immigrants already in the United States

This will also greatly develop border trade. It can be imagined that the prosperity of the "Special Zone" will provide tremendous impetus to the economic development of the United States, so that the United States will continue to be great not only in other aspects, but also to make the US economy continue to be great!

In particular, it is important to emphasize that this program will win a large number of votes from Hispanic voters as soon as it is announced. Republican Party will be a winner of the midterm election!

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

October 7, 2018 

