

Suggestion to Government of the Republic of Cuba《给古巴共和国政府的建议》



1913古巴与中华民国建立外交关系。1960年两国正式外断交目前古巴和中华民国没有在对方首都互设具大使馆性质的代表机构,对古巴的相关事务由驻哥伦比亚台北商务办事处(英语:Taipei Commercial Office in Bogotá, Colombia)兼辖。








一、此举将有助美国共和党赢得中期选举,更重要的是可以让公认摇摆州佛罗里达一面倒的支持共和党。因为,作为佛罗里达州人的重量级古巴裔美国政治人物马可·安东尼奥·鲁比奥(Marco Antonio Rubio)【注1】,在帮助共和党籍迪桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)当选佛州州长;还在帮助共和党籍斯哥特(Rick Scott)参选并赢得佛州本届选举的唯一联邦参议员席位。

二、美国对外政策(在中共国不违反对国际承诺的基础上)承认「一个中国」,但仍与台湾关系密切,并派代表驻台。在中国的打压下,台湾目前的邦交国剩17国。201898日《美联社》报导指出,美国国务院宣布召回驻多明尼加大使伯恩斯坦(Robin Bernstein)、驻萨尔瓦多大使曼恩斯(Jean Manes)、驻巴拿马临时代办康若珊(Roxanne Cabral),并将进一步讨论美国如何能在中美洲与加勒比海地区,支持强力、独立且民主的机制与经济。主要原因是萨尔瓦多与中华民国断交。







【注1】马可·安东尼奥·鲁比奥(Marco Antonio Rubio),鲁比奥的父母是古巴人,于1956年移居美国,并于1975年归化为美国籍。1971528日鲁比奥在迈亚密出生。鲁比奥是古巴裔美国政治人物、律师和美国共和党成员,他曾任佛罗里达州众议院议长(2006年-2008年),现任美国参议员(2011年就职)、美国国会及行政部门中国问题委员会主席。


Suggestion to Government of the Republic of Cuba

We carefully advise you, please pay attention

In 1913 Cuba established diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. In 1960, the two countries officially broke off diplomatic relations. At present, Cuba and the Republic of China do not have mutual representative bodies of the nature of embassy in each other’s capital. The relevant affairs of Cuba are handled by the Taipei Commercial Office in Bogotá, Colombia.

We suggest that the Cuban government should make full use of the two-Korea model of the People's Republic of China (the establishment of diplomatic relations with North Korea and South Korea) and the two-German model(the establishment of diplomatic relations with East Germany and West Germany, and the two Germans have been unified) to resume diplomatic relations with the Republic of China as soon as possible.

On August 14, 2015, the United States and Cuba resumed diplomatic relations. On March 20, 2016, US President Barack Obama’s historic visit to Cuba was the first incumbent US president to visit Cuba in 88 years, symbolizing the unfreezing of relations between Cuba and the United States. After Trump entered the White House, relations between the two countries were in a state of stagnation or even retrogression.

Raul Castro, chairman of the Cuban State Council, said: "Cuba reform must proceed from the actual situation of Cuba." One of the most important external conditions for Cuba’s reform is to promote the relationship between Cuba and the United States.

The immediate benefits of normalizing relations with the United States are:

1.That will give Cuba an opportunity to integrate into the new North American Free Trade Agreement (negotiating) system. (a zero-tariff agreement with the United States, Canada, and Mexico), and will also promote the normalization of relations of European Union, thereby enabling Cuba to Reintegration into the global market and creates a relatively favorable external environment for Cuba’s economic development.

It is an excellent opportunity to fully enjoy the prosperity of the US economy. The United States has a large deficit in international trade. The total value of goods and services exported by the United States for the whole year was $2.3 trillion, and the total value of imports was $2.9 trillion. Some of the important trading partners and allies of the United States are very unbalanced with the United States, most notably Mexico, Japan, Germany, Ireland, Italy and South Korea. Cuba is a country of agriculture and tourism. In 1993, the Cuban government allowed the US dollar to circulate directly in Cuba. Now it is the best time for Cuba to use the US economic prosperity to create a solid foundation for US tourists and US goods to enter Cuba and the Caribbean. Following the principle of the reforms proposed by the Cuban leader, "Don't go fast, don't pause"

On the basis of the private economy and build are special economic zones Cuba can effectively create: "Caribbean Sea's Cuban Distribution Cente of World goods (US goods) ", "Caribbean Sea Visitors Distribution Center of International Tourism”.promoting the development of the Cuban economy and opening up to the outside world.

The simplest and most effective way to accelerate the development of Cuba-American relations is to restore diplomatic relations with the Republic of China. Because:

First, This action will help the US Republican Party win the midterm elections, and more importantly, it can make the Republican Party, which is recognized as a swing state in Florida, to support the Republican Party. Because Marco Antonio RubioNote1a heavyweight Cuban-American politician who is a Florida native, was helping the Republican Ron DeSantis to be elected governor of Florida; and to help Republican Rick Scott to win the current election and to win the only federal Senator seat in Florida.

Second, The US foreign policy (on the basis of the CP's non-violation of international commitments) recognizes "one China," but it still has close ties with Taiwan and sends representatives to Taiwan. Under the pressure of China, Taiwan’s current state of diplomatic relations has 17 countries.

On September 8, 2018, the Associated Press reported that the US State Department announced the recall of Dominican Ambassador (Robin Bernstein) ,Ambassador to El Salvador (Jean Manes), Chargé d’affaires in Panama (Roxanne Cabral) , and will further discuss how the United States can support strong, independent and democratic institutions and economies in Central America and the Caribbean. The main reason is that El Salvador broke off with the Republic of China.

For this goal US Senate Rubio submitted the bill on August 21, 2018: "Promoting countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize (the Republic of China) Taiwan. "The United States is required to formulate a strategy to promote the recognition of Taiwan by countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan. This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes in the past(Abando Taiwan) and defending Taiwan’s democracy.

This means that countries that promote relations with the Republic of China will also enhance their relations with the United States.Raul Castro, Chairman of the Cuban State Council, said: "Cuba reform must proceed from the actual situation of Cuba." Therefore if your government resumes diplomatic relations with the Republic of China at this time, it will be welcomed by the US government and all walks of life, and will make Rubio and others Republican have a lot of room to promote the normalization of Cuba-American relations. Also will win the support and assistance of the United States toward Cuba’s reform and opening up.

The direct benefits of resuming diplomatic relations with the Republic of China is:

Taiwan's technology and management model has accelerated the development of agriculture. Taiwan's agricultural competitiveness has shifted from economies of scale to value-added knowledge, innovative technology applications and business model optimization. The goal of Taiwan's science and technology introduction into agriculture is to develop the market demand for agricultural products, create a win-win strategy for producers, processors and exporters, commit to industrialization and internationalization of agricultural science and technology, seek international cooperation, and expand the international market.

Cuba is also an agricultural country. In the process of market economy reform and development, there is a huge demand for agricultural science and technology. The resumption of full diplomatic relations between Cuba and the Republic of China (Taiwan). It will be beneficial to introduce Taiw the whole industry chain of agriculture.Make the agriculture of your country develop rapidly.

Republic of China Overseas Citizenship Committee

September 10, 2018

【Note 1Marco Antonio Rubio, Rubio's parents were Cubans, moved to the United States in 1956, and Naturalized to American in 1975. On May 28, 1971, Rubio was born in Miami. Rubio is a Cuban-American politician, lawyer and member of the Republican Party. He was the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives (2006-2008), the current US Senator (Inauguration in 2011), and the Chairman of the

Chin Committee in the US Congress and Administration.

Heavyweight Senators of US Senate Bipartisan Diplomatic Committee Gardner, Rubio, Marchiti and Menedes submitted a bill on August 21, 2018, Authorize the State Council to downgrade or terminate US aid to countries that have abandoned Taiwan and established diplomatic relations with Beijing.The bill also requires the United States to formulate a strategy to encourage countries that have no diplomatic relations with Taiwan to recognize Taiwan or strengthen its unofficial relations.This shows that the United States is trying to correct its mistakes in the past(Abando Taiwan) and defending Taiwan’s democracy. This will also be an important opportunity for Cuba to improve relations with the current US government and promote reform and economic transformation in Cuba.

