
Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (1)争取共和党中期选举胜选的建议(一)






1862922日美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯公布《解放奴隶宣言》,宣告开始解放奴隶155年后的今天2018103日),美国第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普怀着沉重心情参观加纳海岸角奴隶堡【注1!并通过臭名昭著的“不归门”(Door of No Return)向外眺望。她表示,她“永远不会忘记”她听到的那些“惊人的经历和遭遇”。

我们认为:川普总统可以做的更多做的更好现在可以155年前林肯总统《解放奴隶宣言》的基础上,接着第一夫人访问非洲参观海岸角奴隶堡(Cape Coast Castle)的脚步,立即宣布开展【帮助被林肯总统解放的黑人奴隶后裔寻找他们遗失的-祖国】活动。此举将真正实现美国黑白融合,实现美国真正意义上的各族裔大团结,实现美国继续伟大的宏大愿景



【注1海岸角奴隶堡(Cape Coast Castle
海岸角奴隶堡是加纳规模最大、最著名的奴隶堡。是占有“黄金海岸”的据点,地牢四壁密封。海岸角奴隶堡紧挨海边,呈菱形,全部用岩石砌成,十分牢固。城堡的四角有高大的碉堡,碉堡之间由城墙连通,碉堡和城墙上设有炮台,架有一尊尊铁铳火炮。1653年荷兰人来到这里,1657年由瑞典奴隶贩子建成堡垒。1662年,英国殖民者占有这个地方,成为英国侵略“黄金海岸”的据点。 17 世纪中叶到19 世纪末,是惨无人道的奴隶贸易最猖獗的时期。加纳、尼日利亚、塞内加尔一带海岸和沿海岛屿是囚禁、运送奴隶的出口地。欧洲奴隶贩子在这一带修建了许多堡垒,中加纳的海岸角奴隶堡是最著名的奴隶堡之一。希拉里·克林顿、劳拉·布什和米歇尔·奥巴马都曾多次访问非洲大陆。

美国第一夫人梅拉尼亚·特朗普追随历任美国第一夫人的步伐,访问非洲并参观了海岸角奴隶堡(Cape Coast Castle),她通过臭名昭著的“不归门”(Door of No Return)向外眺望时表示:她“永远不会忘记”她听到的那些“惊人的经历和遭遇”。第一夫人从这座重新修复的城堡的地牢走出来后说:“这的确是应该让人们看到和体会的”。
Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (1)

To win the Republican midterm elections, it is an important part of the votes of citizens of African descent. There are have many things to do to get this effect, but one of the simplest and most effective activities is: Helping the descendants of black slaves who were liberated by President Lincoln to find their lost – motherland

The operation of this activity is simple and easy, that is, the ancestral home of the black people is confirmed by DNA detection and comparison. The activities are carried out on a voluntary basis, starting with African countries and starting to collect DNA samples from families who may consider their ancestors to be sold to the Americas as slaves, and then use the same voluntary methods in the United States. Compare with DNA samples from Africa!

As soon as it is announced that this event will be held, it will immediately seek the support of a large number of African-American voters. Seriously doing this work in the future will greatly contribute to the realization of the great unity of the American ethnic groups.

A brief description:

On September 22, 1862, US President Abraham Lincoln announced the "Declaration of the Emancipation of the Slavery" and announced the beginning of the liberation of slaves. Today, 155 years later (October 3, 2018), the first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, visited the GhanaCape Coast Castle with a heavy heart! And look out through the notorious "Door of No Return". She said that she "never forgets" the "amazing experiences and encounters" she heard.

We believe that President Trump can do more and do better. Now, based on President Lincoln’s Declaration of Emancipation of Slavery 155 years ago, based on the footsteps of First Lady visit Africa and to visit Cape Coast Castle, Immediately announced that it will begin the activities of helping the descendants of black slaves who were liberated by President Lincoln to find their lost - motherland]. This action will truly realize the integration of black and white in the United States, realize the great unity of all ethnic groups in the the United States, and realize the grand vision of the United States continuing to be great.

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

October 3, 2018 

E-mail:citizensoverseas@gmail.comTwitter: 民国公会秘书处 @OCRepublicChina
【Note 1】 Cape Coast Castle

Cape Coast Slave Fort is the largest and most famous slave fort in Ghana. It is the stronghold of occupied the "Gold Coast", and the dungeon is sealed on all four walls. The Cape Coast Castle are close to the sea and are diamond-shaped. They are all made of rock and are very strong. There are tall bunkers in the four corners of the castle. The bunkers are connected by the city walls. There are forts on the bunker and the walls, and there is lot of Traditional artillery. The Dutch came here in 1653 and in 1657 the Swedish slave trader built the fortress. In 1662, the British colonists occupied this place and it became the stronghold of the British aggression "Gold Coast."

From the mid-17th century to the end of the 19th century, it was the most awkward period of the inhuman slave trade. The coastal and coastal islands in Ghana, Nigeria, and Senegal are exporting places for the imprisonment and delivery of slaves.

European slave traders built many fortresses in this area. One of the most famous slave castles is the the Cape Coast Castle in Ghana.

Hillary Clinton, Laura Bush and Michelle Obama have visited the African continent many times.

The first lady of the United States, Melania Trump, followed the steps of the previous first lady of the United States to visit Africa and to visit the Cape Coast Castle, with a heavy heart! And look out through the notorious "Door of No Return". She said that she "never forgets" the "amazing experiences and encounters" she heard.




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