
Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (5)争取共和党中期选举胜选的建议(五)


香港政府拒绝了英国《金融时报》亚洲新闻主编马凯(Victor Mallet)的签证续签申请,这是英国《金融时报》记者首次被地方当局拒发此类许可。      

总领馆发言人谢汉伟(Harvey Sernovitz)告诉法新社说:“这和国际记者在中国大陆面临的问题一样,看起来不符合基本法的原则。” 《华尔街日报》报道,美国军方官员24日称,中国拒绝了美国海军两栖突击舰“黄蜂号”(USS Wasp)下月访问香港的申请,且没有提供拒绝的理由。             
对此,美国国务院并未明确承认或否认此事,只说“期望军舰能继续访港”。美国国务院在声明中称,美国军舰长期以来均顺利造访香港,“我们期望能够继续下去”,并建议媒体应该询问中方的说法。 美国军舰在香港停泊修正已成为惯例,在半个多世纪的时间里,香港一直是美国海军海外停泊的重要城市。根据资料统计,美国军舰平均每年停靠香港50余次。据称,中美于1997年达成协议,允许美国军舰在香港回归之后继续停靠香港进行中途补给。但美军每次停靠都需要要向中国外交部提出停靠请求。如果没有得到应允,只能绕道。






Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (5)

Resolute support Hong Kong citizens' One country, two systems 50 years does not change

The Hong Kong government rejected the visa renewal application of Victor Mallet, the editor of the <Financial Times >Asia News of United Kingdom. This is the first time that a reporter from the <Financial Times >has refused such permission from the local authorities.

The British Foreign and Commonwealth Office said in a statement: "We have asked the Hong Kong government to explain immediately." The statement also stated that Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy and freedom of the press are very important to Hong Kong's way of life and must be respected.The US Consulate General in Hong Kong believes that the refusal is unsettling.Consulate General spokesman Harvey Sernovitz told AFP:"This is just like the problems faced by international journalists in mainland China. It does not seem to conform to the principles of the Basic Law."The Wall Street Journal reported that US military officials said on the 24th that China rejected the US Navy's amphibious assault ship USS Wasp's application for a visit to Hong Kong next month and did not provide reasons for refusal.

In this regard, the US State Department did not explicitly recognize or deny the matter, saying only that "the warships are expected to continue to visit Hong Kong." The US State Department said in a statement that US warships have been visiting Hong Kong for a long time. "We hope to continue," and suggested that the media should ask the Chinese side.It has become customary for US warships to moored in Hong Kong. For more than half a century, Hong Kong has been an important city for the US Navy to moor overseas.

According to statistics, US warships call on Hong Kong more than 50 times a year. It is said that China and the United States reached an agreement in 1997 to allow US warships to continue to call Hong Kong for resupply after the return of Hong Kong. However, every time the US military stops, it needs to make a request to the Chinese Foreign Ministry. If china do not get the answer, us warships can only detour.

All of this is the consistent practice of the CCP in ignoring international rules, false promises, and deceiving the world. The CCP is used to hooligans, thinking that there is no law in the world to rule them? Lawless! The US government's full support for Hong Kong citizens' reasonable and legitimate demands for "one country, two systems and 50 years does not change" is not only in the interests of the people of Hong Kong, but also a strong support for the mainland people and is also in the highest interest of the United States.

Therefore, we recommend that:

First,The U.S. government supports Hong Kong citizens and Hong Kong civil society to sue the CCP at International Commitment Hosted by the United Nations, in violation of the "china-British Joint Declaration and in violation of the committed to Hong Kong’s 50-Year does not change. During the court hearing, Hong Kong was handed over to the United Nations! Take legal proceedings! .

The US President’s Office of the White House’s International Affairs Office opened to Hong Kong citizen’s signature to sue the CCP in violation of the committed at International Commitment Hosted by the United Nations.Signed by the joint (more than 100,000 signatures), the US administration should accept and actively assist Hong Kong citizens to complete the proceedings.

Second, the US government actively cooperates with the British government to pay attention to Hong Kong's deteriorating freedom of speech, freedom of the press, and the inability of the judiciary to be independently etc. that controlled by the Chinese government.

Third, the US Congress should also act to formulate laws aimed at helping Hong Kong citizens maintain the status of 50-Year does not change in Hong Kong. Such as the "Hong Kong Relations Act" and so on.

We believe that the US government's efforts to uphold international rules in the Hong Kong issue and safeguard freedom and democratic values will enable more American voters to support the Republican Party!

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

October 11, 2018




  告中華民國兩區及海外全體公民書 依據中華民國憲法、中華民國憲法增修條文,中華民國國籍法之規定,國家統一前,中 華民國分為兩個部分:大陸地區(淪陷區)和台灣地區(自由區),兩區的國人都具有中華民 國國籍。在世界其他地區的華人不論來自哪裡,都是中華民國的海外公民。 如今多災多難的...