
Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (4)争取共和党中期选举胜选的建议(四)




史泰登岛纽约市较远;陆地面积:60 平方英里,是曼哈顿的2.5 倍。与其他四个区相比,史岛开发程度也较低呈现较多自然景观,人口也最少2017年仅47.95 万)。拥有众多的历史、文化胜地、体育场馆和自然景点乘坐史泰登岛渡轮(Staten Island Ferry对所有的旅客都是绝好的享受


二、让联合国总部(注:原来的联合国总部大厦正急需资金进行彻底大修)搬离曼哈顿,在史泰登岛按照联合国总部原设计放大三倍重建一座崭新的、功能齐全的、空间较大的联合国总部主体大厦。(拒付给联合国的9亿多美元可以用来建设特区和新的联合国大厦) 三、特区中统一规划,鼓励联合国各成员国分别各国特色风格驻联合国机构、生活区、各国文化艺术博览馆等,让“联合国”特区,真正成为世界和平岛!成为世界文化、风情的博览岛!







三、应该面对邪恶的少数,不能让邪恶得逞!2017919日特朗普总统在第72届联合国大会发表讲话“我们并不要求各国遵守同样的文化、传统,甚至政府制度。但是我们冀望所有的国家履行两个核心的主权责任:尊重本国人民的利益,尊重其他任何主权国家的权利。这是这个机构美好的前景,也是合作和成功的基础。” 他还说“如果正义的大多数人不面对邪恶的少数人,邪恶就会得逞。”









Suggestions for winning the Republican midterm elections (4)

Establishment of "World Peace Island: United Nations Special Zone"

Striving for support from New York City voters (votes) is an important part of the Republican Party’s winning midterm elections. Staten Island is one of the five administrative districts under the jurisdiction of New York City. It is also the only district in the 2016 US presidential election to support the Republican candidate Trump.

In the mid-term elections of 2018, We recommend that President Trump propose a plan to help the development of Staten Island: announcing that Staten Island was separated from New York City and becoming the second “Federal Special Zone", World Peace Island: United Nations Special Zone !

Staten Island is far from New York City; land area: 60 square miles, 2.5 times that of Manhattan. Compared with the other four districts, Staten Island has a lower level of development and presents more natural landscapes. The population is also the least (only 479,500 in 2017). It has many historical and cultural attractions, sports venues and natural attractions. The Staten Island Ferry is a great enjoy for all travellers.

Specific methods

First. Recover the subway (connected to the New York subway) project 100 years ago, stop the $30 billion federal grant to Manhattan (Midtown Hudson River) to New Jersey, and transfer the money to: Building Brooklyn - Staten Island - Newark Metro and Highway dual-use ramps, Let New York City have one more outbound route to really ease the traffic congestion in Manhattan. It also promoted the development of Staten Island and Newark. More importantly, it can connect the three major airports on the east coast of the United States by subway. At the same time, it can create more than 500,000 employment opportunities in three regions.

Second, let the United Nations Headquarters (note: the original United Nations Headquarters building is in urgent need of funds for a thorough overhaul) moved out of Manhattan, with three times the original design to rebuild a new United Nations Headquarters on Staten Island, that is fully functional, large space. (More than $900 million that is refused to be paid to the United Nations can be used to build the Special Zone and the new United Nations building)

Third, the unified planning of the Special Zone, encourage the UN member states to build the institutions stationed at the United Nations, consulates, living quarters, national cultural and art exhibition halls of various countries with special characteristics, so that the "United Nations" Special Zone can truly become a world peace island! Becoming a World Culture and Style Expo Island!

World Peace Island: The United Nations Special Zone. Will be The most dazzling masterpiece of in the grand blueprint of the President Trump: Let the United States continue to be great! Ye

The establishment of "World Peace Island: The United Nations Special Zone" can be leading by the US government to carry out thorough, re-engineered and all-round reform of the United Nations.

By the way, we propose the following proposals for UN reform:

The basic principle:

First, the cost is fair, the United States pays 25% of the UN's regular operating budget and pays 28% of the peacekeeping budget. This ratio is unfair.

Second, improve efficiency. Guterres said that he is fully committed to reforming the United Nations and making it more meet the requirements of the 21st century world. Regarding the peacekeeping budget, he said that he intends to do everything possible to improve the efficiency of operations and maximize cost-effectiveness. Need urge him to implement it.

Third, we should face the evil minority, and we must not let the evil succeed! On September 19, 2017, President Trump delivered a speech at the 72nd UN General Assembly. "We do not require countries to abide by the same culture, traditions, and even government systems. But we expect all countries to fulfill two core sovereign responsibilities: respect The interests of the people of the country and respect the rights of any other sovereign state. This is the wonderful prospect of this institution and the basis for cooperation and success.” He also said that “if most people in justice do not face evil minorities, evil will Got it."

Some specific suggestions:

1.On the basis of the original military base on Staten Island, a General Command of the United Nations Peace Forces will be established to lead global peacekeeping affairs. The Commander-in-Chief of the Peace Forces is take turns by the Minister of Defence of the five permanent members with the same rotation as the United Nations Presidency. The contribution ratio of each member state is 15% of the national military budget, and 10% of the troops in the national army are involved in the annual rotation training and peacekeeping missions worldwide. The United Nations supports democratically elected governments in principle and does not support dictatorships and coups. When a UN member state undergoes a coup, the UN Peace Force has the right to intervene.

2.The United Nations established a United Nations School of Administration and the United Nations Military Academy to train elected government officials to learn how to govern the country.

3.The United Nations issued a report (September 12, 2018) to involved 38 countries, including China and Russia, as "shameful" countries, criticizing the countries concerned for human rights activists, such as murder, torture, arbitrary arrest, retaliation and intimidation etc.

It is therefore necessary to re-identify the five permanent members of Security Council: Russia and Ukraine can be eligible to replace the former Soviet Union. The People’s Republic of China has grossly violated human rights. “The examples of the retaliation, suppression and death of the authorities of the Chinese Communist Party by the UN Secretary-General Guterres are consistent with the information obtained from the “Aid to China” survey. "It is reasonable to expel the CCP from the Security Council." The Republic of China is a United Nations Originally founding country that should resume its legal permanent membership.

4.The Permanent Council of the UN Security Council cancels the veto power of one vote and adopts the principle that the minority obeys the majority.

Overseas Citizens Committee of the Republic of China

October 9, 2018 




  告中華民國兩區及海外全體公民書 依據中華民國憲法、中華民國憲法增修條文,中華民國國籍法之規定,國家統一前,中 華民國分為兩個部分:大陸地區(淪陷區)和台灣地區(自由區),兩區的國人都具有中華民 國國籍。在世界其他地區的華人不論來自哪裡,都是中華民國的海外公民。 如今多災多難的...